Tuesday, November 17, 2015

That point in the process where you just want to quit

There was about a month in our home renovation journey when I couldn't step foot in the house without feeling panic, nausea, and wanting to say Screw it.

The thing is, I know that it happens to every homeowner undergoing an extensive remodel. I've watched tons of episodes of HGTV shows, and if you watch closely, every homeowner goes through this range of emotions similar to the grieving process.
Denial "There's no way that floor needs to be ripped out. I stepped on it yesterday and it was FINE.  It may have been a little bouncy, but it was STILL HERE."
Anger  "What the *$@* do you mean it's going to cost THAT much to fix this basic issue?! Don't you understand the budget??!!
Bargaining "Look, we can live with no HVAC/one bathroom/a George Foreman grill as a stove for a long time and be just fine. No need to spend any more money, please?"
Depression  "This house will never, ever be done. I will go crawl under a blanket for awhile now, thanks."
Acceptance "We are going to be over budget and our house looks like a disaster zone. It will be okay.  It is what it is."

To add to our extremely tight budget, we knew that the city would probably make us rewire the house since it desperately needed an upgrade.  We found a cheap electrician by word of mouth and hired him. Joe was focused on the outside of the house and dealing with the water issues (GWMP) and our contractor was discovering the issues inside and removing floors.  Meanwhile, the electrician we hired was busy rewiring in possibly the messiest way known to man.

Here's 25 second clip showing how our home looked:

This is the house at it's very worst. 

THIS is the part where you see people on TV want to give up.  You lose sight of the vision for a bit because how could something this terrible ever be beautiful and homey and comfortable?  I don't know about you, but I still feel a tightness in my chest when I see that video. That is the way my HOME looked for about a month.  We knew that it was going to be a bit of extra clean up work for us hiring a cheaper electrician, but didn't expect that. Our contractor let us know that this was not normal, the mess happening during rewiring, so Joe talked to the electrician about respecting property a little bit more.  In the video you can also see a pile of junk in what will be Emmy's room from tearing out the floors (which my awesome contractor cleaned up really quickly) as well as our hall bathroom with it's brand new flooring joists (oh, did I mention that floor was rotted as well!?).  There's a secret to not falling apart, wanting to throw in the towel.  And it sounds super cheesy but...

Never lose sight of the vision.

When we first bought the house I went through, deciding which walls had to go, which floors were staying, what the bathroom would eventually look like once I tore all the terrible brown tiles out...and I was excited. You  simply can't lose sight of that, because it's going to get really, really ugly in the middle.  When I saw my house in that condition and wanted to quit, I had to choose to see the good. Like, look at how open the front room looks at the end of the video. We decided to open up the kitchen wall into one of the bedrooms and make it a large kitchen/dining area.  It looks so much bigger!  Also, right after that video was taken, my dad went through and cut all of the ragged drywall holes into neat little rectangles that will eventually be patched after our plumbing and electrical inspections. Just doing that made everything seem so much neater.  I clung to Pinterest, and it's wonderful array of before and after pictures that show how things can be made beautiful out of the mess. (Still talking about the house here, although this experience certainly has been edifying).

Very soon, I hope to share some GOOD photos with you guys. Photos that show things being made new again.  I'm so excited for that!  Stick around!


  1. Can you email me the video? It won't work on here. I totally know your pain!! Love you! And love the blog! 💗

    1. Wow! Nevermind! I just watched this on the computer. That is CRAZY!
